September 2010
Draft Watershed Management Plan issued by Fairfax Co.
October 13, 2010
Truro community attends open meeting to discuss the draft plan and the possible implications of the projects in Truro
October 21, 2010
THA comments on the possible projects in Truro identified in the Draft Plan
April 2012
THA advised that a project for restoration in the Truro parkland is in the plan for calendar year 2013
June 13, 2012
Fairfax County staff brief THA Board and residents on the potential project
July 2012
A Working Group of Truro residents is formed to be the interface between THA and the County for this project.
August 27, 2012
Meeting between the Working Group and the Fairfax County officials to discuss proposed approach and schedule
September 2012
Survey work begins in Truro
September 22, 2012
Members of the Working Group tour stream restoration projects previously completed in Reston
October 8, 2012
Letter from THA legal counsel discussing legal procedures necessary for the project to proceed
October 15. 2012
Members of the Working Group walk the Turkey Run stream in Truro with Fairfax County and design contractor personnel to review and discuss the existing stream conditions
October 16, 2012
The Working Group, Fairfax County, and the design contractor hold a pre-design meeting to discuss goals, objectives, design considerations, plans, and schedules
October 20, 2012
Members of the working group tour the recently completed restoration project on the grounds of the Fairfax Co. government center
November 8, 2012
Meeting among the Working Group, Fairfax Co., and design contractor to discuss preliminary conceptual design being developed
November 16, 2012
The Preliminary Conceptual Design is delivered by the design contractor
November 28, 2012 at 7:30 pm in the Wakefield Forest Elementary School cafeteria
Open meeting for all Truro residents to be briefed on the scope and plans for the project
December 4, 2012
Fairfax County and the design contractor to meet with the Working Group to discuss resolution of matters discussed in the November 28 meeting
December 21, 2012
The Final Conceptual Design is delivered by the design contractor
January 16, 2013 at 7:30 pm in the Wakefield Forest Elementary School cafeteria
Open meeting for all Truro residents to discuss and vote on the project based on the Final Conceptual Design
January 23, 2013
THA Board meets to decide whether to grant the easement necessary for the project to proceed
Spring 2013
Preliminary Design completed and reviewed with the Working Group
Spring 2013
The 95% Final Design is reviewed with the Working Group
Summer 2013
Final Design completed. Permitting & construction authorization is obtained by the County
Fall 2013
Public bid process is completed for the construction contract
Winter 2013-2014
Construction complete
2-Year Plantings Warranty
Quarterly site visits by County
1-Year Contractor Workmanship Warranty
Quarterly site visits by County
County Maintenance Thereafter
Site visits annually and after significant storms or flood events.